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The Lighting of Saving Private Ryan

Title: Private Ryan

Writer: Robert Rodat

Director: Steven Spielberg

Year: 1998

Actors: Tom Hanks, Tom Sizemore, Matt Damon

Lighting:  The lighting used in this film is Low-Key and it used to set the scene far a very dark and horrific war experience.  Low-Key lighting is normally described as having a darker feel for movies and normally used for dramatic scenes, horror films, and the like (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014).

Benefits of Low-Key Lighting: The interesting thing about Saving Private Ryan is that filming it Low-Key adds to the already terrifying aspect of war.  The main benefit of this technique is that it adds a scary yet additional layer of absolute horror to most of the fighting sequences.

Contributing to The Theme: In my opinion the theme of Saving Private Ryan is that life is precious, but very short and that every step should be taken to preserve it.  Also to preserve this life there are sacrafices that have to be made.  By being shot as Low-Key the film adds more depth to the scenery and characters showing the audience just how violent and epic war can really be.

Lighting Technique Used in This Genre: As with most war movies this film follows closely to what others have done before it in regards to lighting, but done a better job overall.  In Saving Private Ryan the director really focused on this Low-Key element which made the movie for realistic and stunning at the same time.

Different Lighting Choices:  I don’t believe that any other lightning could have been used to portray this movie in any other way.  Dark, realistic, and convincing is what we have because of the Low-Key lighting used in this film.  If High-Key lighting was used for example I honestly fell that it would had taken something from the movie.

Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.




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